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News & Events: Labor and Employment


  • October 29 2019

    Client Alert: New York Employee Voting Leave

    With Election Day (Tuesday, November 5th) soon approaching, we wish to remind New Yok employers of recent changes to the law regarding employee voting leave.  As we previously alerted you, New York Election Law was amended to require that employers provide employees three (3) paid hours in which to vote in any election. Employers may require employees take their voting time at either the beginning or the end of their working shift. In order to take this leave, employees must be registered voters and provide at least two days’ advance notice of the need for time to vote.

    Click HERE to read the alert.

  • October 01 2019

    Client Alert: Department of Labor Announces New Salary Thresholds For Exempt Employees

    On Tuesday, September 24, 2019, the United States Department of Labor (“DOL”) issued its final rule that increases the minimum salary employees must be paid to qualify as exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act’s (“FLSA) overtime requirements.

    Click HERE to read the alert.

  • September 17 2019

    Client Alert: Annual Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Deadline

    The deadline for every employer in New York State to have provided sexual harassment prevention training to its employees is October 9, 2019.  As you may have seen from our prior alert, effective October 9, 2018, all New York State employers, regardless of size, were required to establish a written sexual harassment prevention policy and implement annual sexual harassment prevention training to all employees. Employers had a year to conduct the training and the deadline is October 9, 2019.
    Click HERE to read the alert.
  • July 02 2019

    Client Alert: New Jersey Minimum Wage Will Gradually Increase To $15

    Beginning July 1, 2019, the minimum wage in New Jersey will gradually increase to $15.00 per hour by the year 2024. Employers who employ six or more employees (“Large Employers”) will be subject to a different minimum wage than those that employ five or fewer employees (“Small Employers”).

    Click HERE to read the alert.

  • June 24 2019

    Client Alert: New York State Amends Election Law

    Effective immediately, amendments to the New York State election law increase the amount of paid time off New York employers must provide their employees to vote.

    Click here to read the alert.

  • June 18 2019

    Client Alert: EEOC Requires Employer Pay Data Reporting

    Employers with 100 or more employees, and federal contractors who have 50 or more workers and contracts worth $50,000 or more, must now report employee pay data for calendar years 2017 and 2018 to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) by no later than September 30, 2019.

    Click here to read the alert.

  • April 29 2019

    Client Alert: New York City’s New Workplace Lactation Room and Accommodation Requirements

    New York City employers have long been required to provide reasonable break time during which breastfeeding employees could express breast milk and “make reasonable efforts” to provide a room or other location, other than a restroom, to express milk in private.

    Click here to read the alert.

  • April 25 2019

    Client Alert: New York City Issues Guidance On Hair Discrimination

    The New York City Commission on Human Rights recently issued enforcement guidance that specifically prohibits race discrimination on the basis of hair. The guidance specifically prohibits anti-black racism based on characteristics and cultural practices associated with being Black, including prohibitions on natural hair or hairstyles most closely associated with Black people.

    Click here to read the alert.

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