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News & Events: Crowdfunding


  • November 27 2011

    After getting laid off from an architecture firm in 2009, Margot Broom tapped her savings to open a yoga studio in New Haven, Conn., called Breathing Room. But when she was forced to relocate the business two years later, Ms. Broom couldn't afford to renovate the new space she had in mind—until she discovered crowdfunding, the practice of securing small amounts of money from multiple contributors online.

  • November 19 2011

    ON NOVEMBER 3rd, surprisingly, a bill was passed by the House of Representatives with strong bipartisan support. The Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act aims to make it easier for small businesses to raise money through “crowdfunding”. For the first time ordinary investors would be allowed to put up to $10,000 in small businesses that are not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, enabling Joe Schmo to win big if the company becomes the next Google.

  • November 17 2011

    SEC Forum on Small Business Capital Formation

  • November 11 2011

    The Internet is a powerful fund-raising tool for politicians and charities, but when aspiring entrepreneurs try to use it to raise money, they run afoul of securities laws.  Most members of the U.S. House of Representatives have decided they want to change that. Last week, on a 407-17 vote, they approved a bill that would legalize so-called "crowdfunding" for firms raising as much as $2 million a year. Individual investments could be no more than $10,000, or 10 percent of a person's annual income.

  • November 10 2011

    Crowd funding – normally associated with charities and arts projects – could become mainstream for providing much-needed venture capital for start-up companies, says American serial entrepreneur and super angel investor David Rose. He was the keynote speaker at this week's Angel Summit in Tauranga where he talked about global trends in angel investing and the growth of his own entrepreneurial activity, Gust, which operates…

“It’s with genuine appreciation to all of our clients that we are in a position to achieve and maintain our leadership position in so many areas.”