We look forward to hearing from you and engaging.
Our Administrative Staff
Michele Balletta
Paralegal mballetta@egsllp.comJenaviere Bentsen
Receptionist jbentsen@egsllp.comCara Brownell
Administrative cbrownell@egsllp.comCaroline Burnham
Director of Business Development cburnham@egsllp.comAmy L. Caba
Administrative acaba@egsllp.comXiomara Capera
Paralegal xcapera@egsllp.comKendal Chananie
Billing Specialist kchananie@egsllp.comLarry Curcio
Controller lcurcio@egsllp.comYadira Davis
Marketing Director ydavis@egsllp.comAmber Diaz Cooke
Paralegal acooke@egsllp.comStephanie Fleming
Billing Specialist sfleming@egsllp.comJeorgina Garcia
Receptionist reception@egsllp.comLisa Gonzalez
Paralegal lgonzalez@egsllp.comMichael Jacoby
Paralegal mjacoby@egsllp.comOmar Johnny
Senior IP Paralegal ojohnny@egsllp.comDanielle Jussen
Billing Specialist djussen@egsllp.comMichelle Kijik
Paralegal mkijik@egsllp.comDaniel Kraemer
File Clerk dkraemer@egsllp.comErin Han-Leal
Senior HR Generalist ehan@egsllp.comGarrison Mejia
Paralegal gmejia@egsllp.comDania Mercedes
Payroll and Benefits Manager dmercedes@egsllp.comSamantha Torres Narvaez
Administrative storres@egsllp.comArisbel Osorio
Paralegal aosorio@egsllp.comEric von der Osten
IT Manager eosten@egsllp.comFrancesca Paradiso
Administrative fparadiso@egsllp.comEddie Pena
Senior Corporate Paralegal epena@egsllp.comToni Raspanti
Head of Office Administration traspanti@egsllp.comElena Ricci
Paralegal ericci@egsllp.comYanira Rodriguez
Billing Specialist yanira@egsllp.comJazmin Santiago
Administrative jsantiago@egsllp.comRoseanne Saraceno
Office Manager rsaraceno@egsllp.comClaire Schmidt
Legal Assistant cschmidt@egsllp.comKristen Snyderman
Head of Human Resources ksnyderman@egsllp.comAllison Vieyra
Paralegal avieyra@egsllp.comLauren Wegener
Law Clerk lwegener@egsllp.com
Thank you for contacting us.
We will respond to your inquiry within 48 hours.
Lateral Attorneys
Due to our continued growth, EGS encourages you to consider submitting your resume for consideration in one of our areas of practice. As an established and experienced attorney, we would welcome your resumé and look forward to determining if we have a current need and believe that there might be a good fit.
We may not have any openings when you submit your resume but will try and keep it in mind for a future date.
If interested, please email your resumé to recruiting@egsllp.com.